H.M. Royal Celebrates 90 Years of Experience in Materials Distribution
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H.M. Royal 90th Anniversary
H.M. Royal was recently recognized as a finalist in the 23rd Annual NJ Family Business of the Year Awards hosted by Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Rothman Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. This recognition comes as the result of H.M. Royal’s longevity in successfully creating a positive work atmosphere for our employees and exemplary service to our customers. This recognition was especially timely as it comes in the year of our company’s 90th anniversary. We’ve spent a lot of time recently looking back at what we’ve accomplished over that time and what sets us apart from our competitors.
Great businesses are proven through tough times
Staying in business for 90 years, a company sees a lot. Changing technology and fluctuations in the economy mean only those companies that are able to adapt can survive. We’re proud that throughout our 90 years we have always planned strategically for the long-term — not being swayed by short-term industry or economic challenges. Instead, every decision we make is with our long-term objectives and the long-term needs of our customers in mind.
A prime example of this is during the economic recession beginning in 2008. It was common for other companies to make knee-jerk decisions at that time and try to cut costs as quickly as possible. We understood, though, that our employees were the ones who had brought us through 80 years of successful business to that point, and they were the ones to help pull us through. Though it was a tough time for everybody, we are proud that we were able to weather the storm and that in such an uncertain time around the world, not a single employee was laid-off or left the company — highlighting just how tightly-knit a family we are.
From our beginnings in 1925, we have expanded to the 48 contiguous United States in addition to 12 foreign countries, including Canada and Mexico. Throughout the 90 years H.M. Royal has been in existence, the values and ethics of the Royal family have informed how we do business: from how we treat our own employees to the respect and attention we give our customers. We are proud of this foundation and believe it’s what truly sets us apart as a company.
The company today
Since the global market began its recovery in 2010, our company has got right back on track. In fact, we experienced the highest growth in our company’s history between 2010-14. Our dedicated employees and salespeople continue to strive to deliver innovative and cost-effective compounding materials along with the expert advice that results in satisfied customers.
We’re continuing to plan and position our company for the future. Less than 15% of family-owned businesses survive into their third generation, and we’re proud to be one of them — planning ahead is a big reason we’re still here. We’re looking to hire a new generation of H.M. Royal employees to educate and mold into polymer compounding experts ready to assist our customers with their specialty chemical and raw material needs. To do this we have developed our own training program to nurture the future leaders of H.M. Royal. We’re confident this effort will put our company in an excellent position to provide superior service to future customers but also have a positive impact on the market as a whole.
H.M. Royal has now been a trusted provider of specialty chemicals and raw materials to compounders for 90 years. We fully intend to be around for another 90 years — meeting the needs of the global manufacturing community while maintaining the family-business structure and atmosphere we’re so proud of.