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Performance Mineral Reinforcements for Plastics and Rubber

For decades, KaMin has pioneered enhancements in kaolin products and processes. Kaolin minerals were previously produced by BASF until KaMin's purchase of the line in late 2022.

Performance additives made from kaolin (aluminum silicate) are ideal for a wide variety of polymeric applications. They are specifically designed to help customers in multiple industries improve their products by providing:

  • Superior toughness for mineral-filled engineering resins
  • Exceptional electrical insulative properties
  • Improved processing efficiency
  • Improved physical properties - aiding durability
  • Improved surface appearance
  • Controlled rheology
  • Increased profitability potential

At H.M. Royal, our goal is to provide you with the specialty aluminum silicates you need to improve product performance and maximize profitability. Whether you’re working with plastics, elastomeric systems or another application, we have the solution you’re looking for.

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