H.M. Royal Virtual 5K Walk/Run

Walk/Run Anywhere, Anytime

Many events are being canceled in light of the current coronavirus crisis. But we can still have some fun in this age of social distancing and staying indoors. That's why we're holding a Virtual 5K Walk/Run this year, so you can participate while staying safe and healthy.*

Here's how you can participate in the Virtual 5K Walk/Run:

  • Go for a walk or run outside whenever you want.
  • Share your walk or run on social media using the hashtag #HMRoyalVirtual5K.
  • Fill out the form on the right with your distance and time. The first 50 participants will receive a free Virtual 5K t-shirt with the list of sponsors on the back. If you want a t-shirt, make sure to include your address and shirt size.

We'll list the best times on this page and on social media (only after receiving your permission, of course)! If you have any questions, please contact info@hmroyal.com.

*Before heading outside, be sure to check the public health recommendations and mandates for your area, which can be found on your state and local government websites.



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