CTPI is used as an inhibitor of premature vulcanization of synthetic and natural rubbers, providing the rubber compounder with a better means of controlling scorch safety. CTPI is most effective with thiazole and sulphenamide accelerator systems and the fastest
curing polymers. An approximate order of response by polymer is: NR > NBR > SBR > EPDM > IIR > CR. CTPI increases processing safety without affecting vulcanizate properties, aged properties, fatigue life, stain, discoloration, or porosity. Typical loading levels are 0.1 to 0.4 phr.
Common Applications: CTPI is used as an inhibitor of premature vulcanization of synthetic and natural rubbers, providing the rubber compounder with a better means of controlling scorch safety. CTPI is most effective with thiazole and sulphenamide accelerator systems and the fastest curing polymers. An approximate order of response by polymer is: NR > NBR > SBR > EPDM > IIR > CR. CTPI increases processing safety without affecting vulcanizate properties, aged properties, fatigue life, stain, discoloration, or porosity. Typical loading levels are 0.1 to 0.4 phr.
Type: Rubber Curing Chemicals
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